Collagen powder and plastic surgery - contradiction or not?

Collagenpulver og plastikkirugi – modsætning eller ej? - Vild Nord

Become clearer about how a holistic approach to beauty treatments can create the best results for your beauty and well -being. We have interviewed plastic surgeon Henry Delmar, who recommends collagen for his patients - both with and without surgery.

Doctor Henry Delmar  Has been a plastic surgeon for more than 30 years and has its practice in southern France at Clinic del Mar. He explains in this interview the connection between medicine and aesthetic surgery and the supplements that can improve your beauty through the diet. The special thing about Klinik Part Mar is that here a 360 ° vision is practiced within the medical aesthetics, where the patient is in the heart of the process.


Everything begins with the patient

In each consultation, Dr. Delmar to fully understand the patient's challenges in order to solve the aesthetic desires of the patient in the best possible way.

Therefore, two patients who at first glance have the same problems can get two completely different treatments that are adapted to their emotional state, their desire for invasive treatment or not, their habits and routines (diet, sleep, work, etc.). Invasive treatment is all types of surgical procedures that subsequently leave scars. 

That is, one must look at More aspects of the patient's lifestyle than simply making external corrections to get the best aesthetic results.


The collagen is on everyone's lips. What is your experience with the dietary supplement?

As aesthetic doctor, collagen is nothing new. We have used collagen that is consumed equally with treatments to support patients' collagen level such as radio frequency for years. What has changed in recent years is that more clinical studies have come to show that show that Collagen as a dietary supplement can help maintain the body's collagen level.” 

For the reader, radio frequency is a treatment which, with a physical energy of the wavelengths radio frequency, is applied to the skin and, among other things, stimulates the formation of new collagen proteins. 


You are a plastic surgeon, but you have a clinic that takes care of beauty problems in a wider spectrum. How does it work?

 “Our patients are looking for optimal results. In Klinik Del Mar we have experts in several disciplines, so that the problems of the relevant health professionals can be addressed. Besides Operations- And aesthetic medical department we have a dermatology department, a hair department and finally a nutrition departmentThe nutrition department has become central today, as we can understand certain skin problems through the diet that aesthetic medicine cannot solve. Take, for example, acne. It is often the result of a hormonal imbalance, but it can be associated with an imbalance in the diet. Our goal in that case will be to treat the cause before the consequences”  Explains Dr. Delmar.


Why do your patients choose to combine collagen with surgery?

The cosmetic surgeon will respond to a specific aesthetic problem. A face lift will make it possible to rejuvenate a face and liposuction will allow the body to be transformed. After an operation, therefore, there are many who go up in their health to recover quickly, and Many also choose to supplement their diet with a collagen powder, explains"Dr. Delmar.

Would you as a plastic surgeon recommend taking collagen without surgery? 

Of course. The collagen can be taken as a cure during treatment, but also continuous for patients who want to age with grace. Collagen is a protein, so there are no challenges in consuming it all year round. If one wishes to reduce the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines, a collagen supplements can help on the skin's humidity and elasticity, Dr. Delmar. After 25 years, the body can lose about 1% of collagen a year. At the age of 80, the collagen production may thus have fallen over half or more compared to young adults.”

What things would you recommend that you take into account when choosing a collagen product?

Today, there are countless collagen products on the market. It is therefore easy to get lost in the choice of collagen, but there is scientific measurements, that allows you to make an informed choice. 

The availability of the amino acids You need to form collagen is a paraments that I think you should take into consideration. Next, the collagen is, as I said, a protein that must be hydrolyzed for smaller peptides (indicated in KDA which is a unit of measurement for the molecular size. Ed.) To make it easy to absorb in the body.

In addition to the uptake in the body, is The origin of the collagen Something to consider when choosing collagen. At Clinique del Mar we apply marine collagen which is from sustainable fishing of cod, rather than cattle. We do this, among other things, because of it complete amino acid profile. In addition, I often recommend a variant which also contains c-Vitamin, as vitamin C contributes to normal formation of collagen, and thus fits well with collagen, endR Dr. Delmar. ”

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