Vild Nord Universe

Is navigating the beauty jungle a challenge? What's right, and what's not?

Then you've arrived at the right place. On this page, we share fascinating insights, scientific knowledge, and good-to-know. We promise to serve it in a digestible manner, much like our products, making it simple and easy to understand. 
Feel free to let us know if there are specific topics you'd like us to explore.

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Collagen pulver eller kapsler - Vild Nord

Collagen powder or capsules

Supplements with collagen can be obtained in many different forms - Among other things like powder, pills and capsules. The question is what to choose.  When choosing, you can consider: What are y...

Hvad er prebiotika? - Vild Nord

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics (also spelled prebiotics) probiotics, And there is a good reason for that. They work together and can help improve your uptake of nutrients and vitamins. Prebiotics/prebiotics means “be...

Hvorfor Vild Nord Probiotics? - Vild Nord

Why Vild Nord Probiotics?

No two bellies that are the same. There are round bellies and flat bellies. Soft bellies and six-pack bellies. Pale bellies and brown bellies. Common for every type is that they are often tucked a...

Den store synder til rynker - Vild Nord

The great sinner of wrinkles

One of the great sinners for the skin is overexposure to UV light. The sun's life giving rays are warm and beautiful, but they are also tough when it comes to our skin. In fact, UV light is so stro...