Plastic - a valuable resource

Plastik - en værdifuld ressource - Vild Nord

Stop food waste and help us to recycle

Earth's resources are not endless and we consume more than ever. Plastic is a resource that naturally comes to mind when we talk about the environment and pollution. Plastic is also a major problem, especially if it ends up in nature and is not recycled.

But plastic in nature is not our only challenge - food waste is another challenge that we will have to address at the same time. And we have to do it together.

"With Vild Nord we would like to take responsibility for our beautiful Nordic nature. But to get to the finish line, we need your help.”

Read on and learn more about how you can help stop the waste of food as well as get the plastic away from nature and out of the combustion plants and instead into a sustainable circulation where the plastic can be reused.

Reuse Plastic

Did you know that food production accounts for a much greater part of resource consumption than the packaging that it is wrapped in?

Therefore, we must always try to minimize food waste, while at the same time ensuring that the packaging can be and is recycled.

By 2020, almost 59 million tonnes of food were discarded in the EU alone. Households accounted for more than 31 million tons. Over half of the food waste happened in private homes. This corresponds to approx. 70 kg of food waste per inhabitant.

That's why we choose our packaging based on these criteria:

  • Ensure high food security
  • Prevent and reduce food waste
  • Ensure recycling
    - And this is where you come into the picture - more about it a little further down.

Our job is to keep our products fresh for as long as possible so that they do not end up as food waste in a packaging that can be recycled. We do this by applying plastic packaging.

We use food approved HDPE and PP-cans as packaging. These types of plastic are particularly suitable for food as they have a high degree of resistance to water and humidity.

By preventing and reducing food waste, we take a step towards a brighter and greener future - who doesn't want that? The foods we produce should preferably end up being used, instead of ending up as food waste.

"The Earth's resources are not endless and we consume more than ever."

UN World Goal 12 and Vild Nord

You've probably heard of the UN's World Goals. Maybe mentioned in other contexts, e.g. in connection with your job or in the news. To refresh what the UN's World Goals is, here comes a brief description.

The UN's World Goals are 17 specific goals with associated 169 sub-goals. These goals oblige all UN 193 member states to abolish poverty and hunger in the world, but also to reduce inequalities, ensure good education and better health to everyone.

In Vild Nord we work specifically with World Goal 12, which is about reducing food waste and encouraging recycling.

Together we take action 

According to the UN, 1/3 of all food in the world goes to waste. It can be under production, in the freight, in stores or at home.

The fact that so much food goes to waste is actually such a big problem that it far exceeds the use of plastic from an environmental perspective. In the context of food waste, plastic plays an important role, which is definitely worth giving a thought. And here we, as a producer, can and should make a difference.

In our production we upcycle residue from fish production to a premium collagen powder with a high nutrients- and utility value. This powder must keep its high quality until it is used and the packaging must then be reused.

Reuse Our Plastic 

Help us to recycle our plastic

In Vild Nord we use plastic packaging and to get the most out of the plastic after use, we need your help.

Our packaging consists of four parts. In order for the parts to be optimally reused, it is important that they are sorted correctly.

Jar, lid and the accompanying scoop is 100% reusable and sorted as separate parts in plastic.

Seals, the round top that sit under the lid when you open the box are removed and sorted as residual waste. The same goes for the product's label, which is easily removed from the box.

Every Part of Vild Nord Collagen

Rinse the jar before sorting it as plastic. You don't have to wash it with a lot of water and soap. Just rinse it in excess water from e.g. boiled vegetables, flower watering or similar.

The jar should not be clinically clean, just without leftovers. In this way, the process goes easier and faster at the recycling plant where the box ends after sorting.

“Plastic that is not sorted and reused is a problem because the otherwise reusable resources are destroyed. The same goes for plastic that ends up in our nature. ”

3 useful tips

It's common sense

To reduce food waste we write ”Best Before“ instead of a specific due by date on our labels.

The date that is after Best Before is an expression of what date you can expect the product's nutrients to be as indicated on the label. Therefore, you can easily take the product after the Best Before date. Use your senses when eating a product after Best Before - see, smell and taste the product, it is all about common logic to avoid food waste in general.

As long as you think your Vild Nord product smells, tastes, feels and looks like the first time you opened the jar you can safely eat it. After the "Best Before" date, however, remember that the effect of the ingredients is reduced - so it is about eating your daily collagen and getting full pleasure from the product.

Vild Nord Collagen

Help us on the road to a greener world

When recycling a jar from Vild Nord, you help make a difference to the environment and the nature we love together. It is a small step, but nonetheless a step in the right direction.

Even though plastic can be environmentally harmful if sorted incorrectly, it is a valuable resource that can be reused again and again - with your help.

The goal is to get the plastic away from nature and out of the incinerators and instead into a sustainable circulation where it can be reused and be of benefit.

Use the last residue collagen powder

Do you have a small amount of collagen powder that is about to reach the "Best Before" date? We have made a delicious recipe for Collagen-ice cubes. You can use the collagen variant that you may have in this recipe.

Collagen-ice cubes

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Smagen af det nordiske hav - Vild Nord
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