What are prebiotics?

Hvad er prebiotika? - Vild Nord

Prebiotics (also spelled prebiotics) probiotics, And there is a good reason for that. They work together and can help improve your uptake of nutrients and vitamins.

Prebiotics/prebiotics means “before the living”. So in contrast to the living probiotics is pRebiotics So not bacteria.

Prebiotics = Probiotika's lunch box

Prebiotics are plant -based components in your food such as dietary fiber. They work, among other things. As a nourishment for the bacteria in your intestinal system. So, simplified, it is delicious food for your gut bacteria so that they can thrive and increase in number.


Probiotics - lactic acid bacteria


Why are prebiotics/prebiotics important?

The ability to eat prebiotics is to increase the amount of health -promoting bacteria in the intestinal system and at the same time create poor growth conditions for the less good bacterial strains. Bacteria are like humans very different and therefore they do not eat the same. The more varied your diet, the greater the diversity of the gut bacteria that get food. Therefore, the natural prebiotics you eat daily will matter if you want to maintain or improve your gut flora.

  • Provides nourishment to health -promoting bacteria
  • Is found naturally in fiber -rich foods


Prebiotics in your diet

As mentioned, you find prebiotics in fiber -rich foods, so whole grain products can form a good bottom along with lots of coarse vegetables and delicious fruit.

You will also find prebiotics in beautiful flavors such as ginger, garlic and sage, so a good spicy diet is also good for your gut bacteria.

Then turn up dietary fiber in all shades.

  • beans, lentils, berries, peas, nuts and whole grains
  • cold potatoes, asparagus, onions, artichoke, whole grains and avocado
  • sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented vegetables
  • Kefir, Yogurt, A38, Skyr and Miso
  • Did you also know that the fiber -rich collagen mix COLLAGEN YELLOW BLAST Does a total of 13 percent contain dietary fiber from four different berries? It is therefore perfect to supplement to a healthy diet and varied lifestyle.

Daily Flora and Collagen Yellow Blast


Inulin & fos

IN Vild Nord we use two types of prebiotics - inulin from chicory-Rod and fos from sugar beet.

Inulin is a carbohydrate found in a wealth of plants we know and eat daily. Namely, the carbohydrate is stored in the roots of other leeks, garlic and chicory. Chicory is grown as a salad but also grows wildly in Denmark and adorns beach meadows and ditch edges with beautiful blue flowers over the late summer. 

Fructo-Oligosaccharides (FOS) are plant sugar that is found in many fruits and vegetables. FOS will not be digested until they reach the colon. In the colon, they digest like chicory by good bacteria.

Immune ProbioticsDaily Flora Probiotics


Prebiotics in Vild Nord Probiotics

We have prebiotics in two of our probiotic products. You can read more about Daily Flora Probiotics here or throwing you over Immune Probiotics, if you need to strengthen the immune system. 


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Hvorfor Vild Nord Probiotics? - Vild Nord
Collagen pulver eller kapsler - Vild Nord