Why Vild Nord Probiotics?

Hvorfor Vild Nord Probiotics? - Vild Nord
No two bellies that are the same. There are round bellies and flat bellies. Soft bellies and six-pack bellies. Pale bellies and brown bellies.

Common for every type is that they are often tucked away under our clothes and we rarely talk about them. Unless we are pregnant and showing. We would like to change that as it is important to have a well balanced gut.

It is said that the gut is our sixth sense, so maybe we should start listening a little more to our guts.

"What's your gut feeling?"


Maver is different

An innovative product that focuses on the gut
We want to break the taboo around talking about our gut health. The well being of our gut is incredibly important to our digestive health, our skin, mood and well being.

Together with the Danish manufacturer Deerland we have developed three probiotic products that come in a super innovative dosage form, called Fastmelt. The fine powder is poured directly on the toung from the portion stick and melts with a delicious taste. It is so tasty, you'll look forward to next time. A fun and delicious way to spoil the gut.


Daily Flora Probiotics

Quality in 3 products
  • Our series consists entirely of clinically well documented bacterial strains
  • The bacteria are alive and resistant to a low pH value as well as bile acid, which is important for them to survive the trip through the digestive system.
  • The products are developed and produced in Denmark - in the spirit of Vild Nord.
  • The products are vegan, allergen free and contain natural flavors- and sweeteners.
  • The sticks can be stored up to 25 degrees, which is nice, as they can also easily be taken on vacation in warmer climates.
  • They all come in the super innovative dosage form, which melts directly on the tongue without the need for water or fluids.

Find our selection of Vild Nord Probiotics here:

Daily Flora Probiotics

Immune probiotics

Mom to be probiotics

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