What is Collagen?

Hvad er Collagen? - Vild Nord

Collagen is a protein that is found naturally in our body. You will find it in cartilage, tendons, muscles, bones, hair, skin and nails. It is the body's most dominant connective tissue protein and constitutes up to 30% of the body's total proteins. Collagen is thus an important building block of the body because the connective tissue keeps the body assembled so that you do not flatter together like a gople - therefore it is also called 'the body's glue'.What is collagen?

Collagen also plays a significant role in our skin, which is the body's largest organ. Up to 80% of the skin consists of collagen and the majority are type in-Collagen. Together with the connective tissue molecule elastin, the collagen adds the skin both elasticity and strength.

But if the skin consists of up to 80% collagen, why should I take the collagen, you probably think? 

You don't need that either, but with age it can still be an advantage if you want to preserve as beautiful skin as possible as long in life as possible.  

You've probably noticed that from the mid -20s you started getting fine lines and wrinkles on your face. All natural signs that your collagen production drops as you get older. In addition, there are other influences that we can collect lifestyle toll together. That's all the unhealthy that we know breaking down the collagen in the skin, such as UV-Light from the sun's rays, alcohol and smoking. 

 In the market you typically find the following sources of collagen 

  • Marine collagen - Collagen, which is extracted from fish 
  • Bovint collagen - Collagen, which is extracted from cattle
  • Pochint Collagen - Collagen, which is extracted from pigs 

We use marine collagen in all our variants, and not from any source. Our collagen is extracted from the wild -caught North Atlantic cod from sustainable fishing. For us, it is essential to know where our collagen comes from, where the fish has lived and how it is caught. You can read more here 

 We recommend

Our bestseller, Collagen Gold, with vitamin C and and iodine from natural sources here.

Are you a real beauty-nerd, so have we developed too CARE Holistic Therapy Collagen Exclusive to beauty clinics. A collagen with vitamin C, zinc, biotin, manganese and hyaluronic acid. Read more about the popular collagen here 


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