Our promise - your security
Collagen is not just collagen - even when it comes to collagen from fish. The hydrolyzed marine collagen powder we use in our products is our promise to you that you can safely choose Vild Nord And at the same time support a sustainable fishing.

What is msc-the certification?
MSC is an abbreviation of Marine Stewardship Council and is an international recognized non-profit organization, which is dedicated to promoting sustainable fishing. The certification standard ensures sustainable and responsible catch of marine resources, including fish, which is a central part of Wild Nord's products.
MSC is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1997, with the intention of promoting and spreading sustainable fishing. Before a fishing can become msc-Certified, it must live up to a number of fisheries standards that build on the FN's food- and Agricultural Organization FAO (Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries).

Benefits of MSC-Certified Collagen
When choosing a product with the blue msc-brand, you are secured wild -caught fish, which can always be traced back to a sustainable source. In addition, MSC-Certified products that overfishing of fish will not take place.
- The resources of the sea are protected
- Fishing is done in a sustainable way
- High quality
Are you the type who would like to know what what you eat contains then ms-Certified Collagen without a doubt the right thing for you. Fish that are caught in sustainable wise and that carry MSC-The mark is ensured a strict traceability chain and can therefore always be traced directly back to sustainable fishing.
In addition, you can always be sure to know where in the sea the fish is caught. Cod which is the source of Vild Nord Marine Collagen, is caught in the icy and crystal clear North Atlantic Sea off the coast of Northern North.

The difference between MSC and ASC
Maybe you've heard of ASC too-Certified collagen, but what is it and what is the difference between ASC and MSC? ASC is an abbreviation of Aquaculture Stewardship Council and is focused on sustainably farmed fishing resources.
The biggest and most significant different ones on MSC and ASC are:
- MSC: Sustainable fishing in the Wild Sea.
ASC: Sustainable aquaculture (breeding of seafood in aquatic environments).
- MSC: Products with MSC-Certification carries a blue fishing label and includes wild seafood.
ASC: Products from aquaculture with ASC-Certification carries a green label and includes farmed seafood.
- MSC: Consumers can identify sustainably trapped seafood through MSC's blue label, ensuring a responsible source.
- ASC: Indicates consumers that they support a sustainable aquaculture practice by choosing products with ASC's green label.

Vild Nord is msc-Certified Collagen
Vild Nord Marine Collagen is MSC-Certified and of the highest quality, made from the large North Atlantic cod. MSC-The certification means that the biodiversity of the sea and healthy fishing practices are promoted, while fishing is done in the most appropriate way. When you actively select MSC-Certified Collagen, you help support the sustainable fishing of wild cod in the Atlantic. It is our promise and your security.

The best marine collagen
Want the best collagen? Then Marine Collagen is from Vild Nord A safe choice wherever you are on your journey in life.
Here are some crucial reasons why our marine collagen stands out:
- With Vild Nord we believe that it is important to look after the seas around us. Therefore, our collagen stems exclusively from sustainable fishing, which ensures responsible utilization of marine resources and a preservation of garden ecosystems.
- We are proud to be msc-certified. Certification is your guarantee that our product lives up to the most stringent standards of sustainability, from fishing's practice to the treatment of the raw materials.
- Do you choose collagen from Vild Nord, you get collagen powder with a complete amino acid profile. This means you get all essentials and not-Essential in our marine collagen powder. You can read more about the amino acids in our blog post ”What are amino acids?”.
- To take our product to the next level, we have mixed all variants (except for Pure Marine Collagen) with carefully selected bioavailable ingredients. They are all Food State, ie as close to the natural shape as possible, so that your body quickly recognizes the nutrients and can absorb them.
- We at Vild Nord sees our marine collagen as more than just a dietary supplement; It is an expression of our commitment to quality, sustainability and your health. choose Vild Nord, when only the best is good enough.
