Probiotic diet

Probiotisk mad - Vild Nord

What is probiotics?

It is the few who have not heard of probiotics at some point, also called lactic acid bacteria. They are found in billionths in your body, more specifically in your gut, where the little living microorganisms play a role in ensuring the normal function of the intestine. Although they are also called lactic acid bacteria, they actually have nothing to do with milk. The name, on the other hand, comes from the bacteria converting lactose into lactic acid.

Not just one bacterial species exists when it comes to probiotics, but thousands. The composition and amount of the many lactic acid bacteria in our bodies are as different as we each are.

Although there are thousands of bacterial species, or tribes, you may have heard of two of them, namely Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which are two of the bacterial strains we use in our probiotic supplements. Some of the lactic acid bacteria are also found in probiotic diet. You can read more about which foods contain probiotics below.


Probiotic diet to your stomach

When the lactic acid bacteria convert lactose into lactic acid, it is also called fermentation. You may know that from the drink kombucha or different kinds of yogurt. If you would like to eat probiotic diet you can go after:

  • Beetbedskins
    Try a delicious, red and tasteful probiotic drink, namely beetroot. The beetroot is made of fermented beetroot and added orange and ginger. A true pleasure for the taste buds. 
  • Yogurt
    Some yogurters contain more probiotics than others because they are fermented with extra bacterial culture.


  • Kefir
    The white, sour and slightly bubbly beverage has become incredibly popular, and then it contains a wealth of probiotics. You can make the kefir yourself and add the flavor you want, e.g. A sweet taste of blueberries.
  • Kombucha
    A milk free drink made on a base of scooby sponge. It may not sound super appealing, but the taste can be great. If you do not want to throw yourself into making it yourself, it can be bought with a lot of flavors. 
  • Kimchi
    Fermented vegetables, especially cabbage, added taste of everything from garlic to fish sauce. Kimchi is perfect as an accessory for Asian dishes, and then it is relatively easy to make yourself. 
  • Sauerkraut
    Known from Germany where the fermented cabbage is very popular. Sauerkraut, or sauerkraut, is not for everyone, but whether you like the cabbage or not, it is filled with probiotics if made correctly.


Prebiotics and probiotics - what is the difference?

That sounds a bit like the same but actually it's two different parts of the whole lactic acid bacterium-The talk. Prebiotics and probiotics complement each other, but each has their own functions. Prebiotics is not-digestible carbohydrates and is found mainly in plants in the form of plant fibers - also called dietary fiber. Probiotics are, on the other hand, living microorganisms that, as I said, live in our gut and thus are part of our natural gut flora.

The carbohydrates that Prebiotics consist of act as a "packed lunch" for the probiotic bacteria in your gut, and therefore help to feed the gut bacteria to increase in number.

If you want to eat more dietary fiber so that your gut bacteria can get an even better lunch box, go for whole grain products, vegetables and fruit. 

You can read much more about Prebiotics in our blog post ”What are prebiotics?”,


Vild Nord probiotics 

A delicious dirt road to probiotics

You can eat prebiotics and probioctics every day, but did you know that it is a particularly good idea to get lactic acid bacteria in connection with a penicillin cure? 

During a treatment with penicillin, unfortunately, it is not only the bad bacteria the medicine kills. This also applies to some of the good bacteria, including The lactic acid bacteria that live in the intestines. Use a probiotics supplements before-, under- And after antibiticure, so that your gut flora is affected as little as possible. To get the most out of your probiotics, take it after at least three hours after taking your antibiotics.

If you are going to travel, a daily supplement probiotics can help you against the familiar and always unwelcome holiday stomach. If you have the opportunity, it is often good to take extra lactic acid bacteria throughout the journey - maybe even a few days before traveling. 

It may not be every day you have the time or desire to make or buy probiotic -holding food. As an alternative, as a supplement to the diet, you can take one of our probiotic sticks - they are both easy to take and then they actually taste amazingly good.

You need no water or similar when you take our probiotics - no matter which variant you choose. Just open the stick and let the powder melt on the tongue. Take a stick on the go, e.g. If you are going on vacation, on a weekend trip or something completely third, as they are incredibly easy to carry in your bag or pocket. You need no water or similar to enjoy your daily probiotic supplements when choosing one of our probiotics-Variants.

Vild Nord Probiotics can be taken by adults and children from 3 years - read more about the three variants below:


Vild Nord Daily Flora Probiotics

Daily Flora Probiotics

Lactic acid bacteria for those who want a simple supplement of probiotics for your diet. Each stick contains 10 billion lactic acid bacteria from the two strains: BB536 and BIFOLAC ™ 12. In addition, we have added two kinds of prebiotics that provide the probiotic bacteria. The taste is lovely fresh and sweet with blueberries.

 Vild Nord Immune Probiotics

Immune Probiotics

Lactic acid bacteria and vitamin C in one and the same supplements. We call the variant for Immune Because the good vitamin C contributes to a normal immune system. A stick contains 9 billion probiotic bacteria with the taste of beautiful citrus.

 Vild Nord Mom To Be Probiotics

Mom To Be Probiotics

Are you pregnant or are you planning it in the near future? Then it is a very good idea to remember the vitamin folic acid. In this probiotic-Variant you get both 12 billion lactic acid bacteria divided into three bacterial strains, as well as 400 mcg of folic acid per stick. The taste is sweet and fresh so it is incredibly easy to remember every day before, under- And after your pregnancy.


Which probiotic-Variant is your favorite, or which one fits your life right now? Try Vild Nord Probiotics and experience how delicious and tasty lactic acid bacteria can be.

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