Collagen Beauty Remedy


This lovely raspberry lemonade combines the lively taste of fresh raspberries with the extra goodness from our Collagen Beauty Remedy, with vitamin c from acerola and Nordic berries. Get ready to enjoy a lemonade that not only tastes great but also supports your skin's radiance.

This is what you need

1 handful of fresh raspberries
3 tbsp Collagen Beauty Remedy
Juice from 3 lemons
3 teaspoons of maple syrup or honey
Cooled water or sparkling water
Ice cubes


In a blender or food processor, mix the fresh raspberries together with Collagen Beauty Remedy, selected sweetener and half the lemon juice until the mixture is smooth and juicy.

Sift the raspberry puree through a finely meshed sieve to remove any seeds. You'll be left with a delicious and live raspberry juice. Combine the raspberry juice with the rest of the lemon juice in a pot. Stir well to mix all the flavors together.

Add chilled or sparkling water to the mixture, adjust the amount to your preferred taste and consistency.

Add ice cubes to the glass or jug to keep the lemonade cool. Give it a final stir and decorate with a few fresh raspberries, mint leaves or a slice of lemon for an extra touch of beauty.