AMWC: A world of innovation and expertise
In a world where beauty- And health trends are constantly evolving, aesthetic medicine and beauty -promoting technologies have become front runners. One important event that pays tribute to innovation and expertise in this field is Aesthetic Medicine World Congress (AMWC). This event that attracts leading experts, professionals and businesses from all over the world is also the place where the prestigious AMWC-Price is awarded. Let's dive into this exciting event and the award celebrating extraordinary contributions to the beauty world.

Aesthetic Medicine World Congress (AMWC) is an annual event that acts as an epicenter for the latest developments in beauty. At this event, doctors, researchers, cosmetic therapists, product developers and other professionals in the industry are gathered to exchange knowledge, discover the latest trends and discuss pioneering technologies. AMWC serves as a platform that promotes innovation and collaboration, which is crucial to driving the beauty knowledge forward.

Amwc-Price: tribute to the beauty
One of the highlights of AMWC is the awarding of the coveted AMWC-price. This award recognizes individuals, companies or products that have made remarkable contributions in aesthetic medicine. The price includes different categories that span innovation, technological advances, products with significant impact and much more. The winners of AMWC-The award represents the best in their respective areas and is recognized for their commitment to creating positive changes and progress in the industry.

Vild Nord Collagen Gold received AMWC-The price for best supplements in 2023.
Collagen Gold is a unique beauty blend consisting of marine collagen, acerola and wild -harvested seaweed.
“The core of Vild Nord® is a pursuit of unique beauty through aesthetics with natural, first -class Nordic ingredients. We strive to be the natural choice for an inner beauty product against wrinkles. Therefore, it is an honor to receive this award from a judging panel consisting of the world's leading doctors in aesthetics and beauty. "
- Loa Gitz, COO & CO-Founder of Vild Nord.

But what does it mean to you that Collagen Gold has won an AMWC-price?
Amwc-the price - what it means to you
For customers and those seeking aesthetic treatments or the best supplements, AMWC has-the price a valuable meaning. Winners of the award are the quality stamp that marks their commitment to quality, innovation and expertise. The award acts as a guide to making informed decisions and choosing products and services that have been shown to deliver on their promises.

Aesthetic Medicine World Congress (AMWC) and the associated AMWC-Price is a platform that celebrates groundbreaking innovation and excellent contributions in aesthetically. Through this annual event, the industry players from around the world are given the opportunity to share knowledge, explore new technologies and pay tribute to the best in the industry. For customers represent AMWC-The price an indicator of quality and reliability that helps them make well -informed decisions about their aesthetic beauty journey.
So the next time you explore aesthetic treatments or products you can keep an eye on AMWC-Price as a sign of expertise and a devotion to improve the beauty industry.
Read more about Collagen Gold here.